Old Shoes

In his own term, he still had issues with a pair of old shoes said he. For he who seemed to be content with most things in his life would have such issues with old shoes? For he who has everything and could buy out a closet of new shoes with ease would have such issues with old shoes?
He couldn’t get rid of someone.
Someone from his past. Not that he is still in love with the person mind you. But it wasn’t easy to get rid of the person for what they had together in the past. All those little kindness and memorable moments, unfortunately also the mega-roller-coaster ride that he had to bear within and post the relationship. It was hard enough for him to try to forgive the person. It became more intense since the person was never away or gone to begin with. They hang out within the same circle.
This was what he mentioned earlier,
“Remember 1999? There was this hot black paten-leather Prada loafer that everybody longed for? Now, he was like that sumptuous loafer to me. Even now, when the shoes are old, musty, cracked, and un-wearable… I still keep them for the mementos sake. The same case with him, I couldn’t let go of him because he was expensive and hard to get. Especially when I finally got him despite numerous competitors that I had to eliminate from the contest. Back then though, I finally gave up because so many people want to and actually used those shoes. They were like everywhere! For those who longed to be different, that was just so unfashionable. And besides, I love my shoes too much to share mine with other people.
But come to think of it, dontcha think everyone has his own old shoes issue? Then, for me he is my old shoes that I can’t get rid of”.
Someone was stuck, damned and condemned.
Another friend of mine finally gave his 2 cents,
“Look at your past relationships after him? Anything good came afloat? From what I see, you will never, I repeat, NEVER enjoy anyone new to the fullest because you still let him roam and you do not give enough space for the new person to even start dwelling in your heart. Throw away old shoes and mementos, heck you can burn them for all I care”
Some one was slapped on his face.
Hehehe I was wondering when this post will be up. . . AND YES!!! YOU GOT TO BURN IT ALLL!
Well, dragging along with our past is always a very tiring thing to do.
It's about time for you to start cleaning up your closet and make spaces for new things.
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