Getting Personal

It all started when Michiko, one of the trainers in my gym mentioned that lately she had seen a good development on my physique. I was of course forever skeptical as always: “But I didn’t loose any weight and my waist still bursts out of seams!”. Then Yutaka who’d successfully created an arm-and-shoulder envy amongst other trainers and members alike, suddenly appeared from the horizon. “To expedite your development, why don’t you try having a personal trainer Sir?” he asked.
Wrong timing! I can barely save for my future, let alone spending another chunk on a very vain reason.
“So what’s your program?” I asked politely.
“It’s gonna be a guided 12 days, in which you may spread them in 2 or 3 times/ week”
“Yeah, and how much would that cost me?”
“Two and half”
“As in millions of Rupiah?”
“Correct Sir.”
“Wow, I am not sure if I have that kinda budget right now” I replied frankly.
“Well, why don’t I give you a free training session today for you to get the gist of having a personal trainer?”
Gulping, I stared at his puppy eyes and was drawn immediately to his sensuous lips.
“Sss…Shure…” I nodded.
Of course Yutaka was the most wonderful army-sergeant type of a trainer who pushed me to the limit that day. Sore muscles were at-the-least a price to pay to look buffed and pumped at the end of the session. And furthermore, I got a chance to get very personal with him. In this case I was in total-surrender-mode while letting him hold my back at the gravitron, grab my ass at the hamstring curl, cradle me on a sit-up bench, lock arms and gazes while performing side-way crunches, and best of all I got to feel his basket (yes, with my glutes!) during the triceps-pushdowns.
Darn you Yutaka. Now, I want you to train me so bad.
Angel: Pay bills
Devil: Have fun
Angel: End loans
Devil: Isn’t he hot?
Angel: Yeah, like he’s gonna EVER let you touch him at the end ?
Devil: You’ll never know if you haven’t tried…
Angel: Oh please don’t even start seeing him as a pay-boy that one may just use for one’s mortal pleasure.
Devil: But I will… Be paying him, no?
Now, I am confused. Will the money spent for the pseudo-erotic training sessions with him be a good investment? Am I sure that I will see any hardened muscle group (other than my dick) as the result of the six-week program?
At any case it’s at least worthy to think about. Hmm.
Angel: NO!!
Devil: Oh Shut up bitch…