Angel Sings

Hussein knew he shouldn’t. But he did anyway. He kissed one of his former lovers. Right. He didn’t even have any justification for doing so. But he did anyway. He didn’t have time to think about any incoming predicament later after the kiss. But kissed him, he did anyway.
Hussein would see joy glittered in his eyes. As if instant happiness struck this person. He never knew that his former lover still wanted him in his life. Smiling and watching Hussein with a loving gaze he said: “Why do you have to be so adorable?”
This was what Hussein replied:
“You know, last night I got a premonition from God Himself. He said, “Njel… Njel… (Indonesian version short from the word Angel). The world had gone mad these days. People killing other people without any remorse. People plundering the wealth of the earth without having any plan for their children’s sake in the future. Everybody seemed to be so unhappy with their lives, burdened by their problems. Financial, social, family problems that they have to deal with in daily basis. People just seemed to forget that I still exist. With this I sent you to the world to open people’s eyes that help is on the way, as long as they seek for one. With this I sent you to the world to cheer people up with your smiles and open arms”. So if you had to ask me, I am just doing what I was supposed to do…”
The other person’s smile grew wider. He seemed to be genuinely pleased.
Only to be altered with a heart wrenching sob a couple of days later when Hussein had to be honest to him.
“How do you define my being lately?”
“You’re a great person to talk to, to have intelligent conversations, and to argue about as well! In short you’re like one of my best friends”, replied Hussein.
“Is that all?”
“Mmm. I am afraid that’s all I can give you. I don’t want to make any promise in which I may not be able to keep later on”.
Without further consideration (again), about a week later, Hussein succumbed to this person’s demand for a very late night munches at a hawker somewhere in midtown. Clearly the former lover looked so pleased in meeting him. Hussein felt the same way actually. Never been happier to see this person due to many bad-date experiences lately. Conversations and banters they'd exchange. Smiles were courtly returned.
Deep inside a guilt devoured Hussein’s stomach.
“Why do I enjoy having this person so much around me whilst unsure of wanting him in my arms again…”
Unknowingly, once again he asked Hussein rhetorically,
“Why do you have to be so adorable?”
Nevertheless he replied,
“It’s my job darling. It’s my job.”
A Nidji song was playing in the background:
“Angel walks…
Angel talks…
Angel sings…”
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