Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Brazilian Flavour Jiujitsu

I haven’t even began to write about my extra terrestrial encounter with my super hot capoeira mestre when I was invited to preview a class by a friend of mine. After sitting in a semi-lotus position for about an hour (I had to, they only had the floor to land my lazy bum), I made a mental judgement that capoeira shall forever be banned from the face of the earth. And now another (cute) Brazilian thing is swooping J-Town with its mysterious charm.

Sitting at end of the class, those were all I saw, in glory: The butts of about two-dozen guys and girls, prancing around like there were no tomorrow. Bubble butts in white training pants were everywhere. I swear, I felt like waking up in heaven with angels dancing to the rhythm of the samba. For only around $20, I’d get to wake up in heaven eight times a month, every Wednesdays and Sundays, with a chance of increasing speed and agility, getting fit, loosing fat, and creating the ultimate soccer-thighs and bubblicious buns. Capoeira shall be banned! I say. It was as if sex oozes from the native dances and movements. Highly erotic (and erratic in a way) it was as if they were performing some sort ritual on the beach somewhere to pray for a local demi-god in a roda (circle) of people. On top of that, it was always okay to extend your pinkies as it seemed to be a very normal hand gestures while moving back and fro.

However, little that I knew, that in the same building, in the same health club, on Tuesdays and Thursdays now you may find Niko (from the blog “Apa Kabar?”), teaching Synergy Jiujitsu with a promise on promoting self-defense, fitness, character development, and personal achievements. Oh really? Really?

With a click of a button, there I surfed their website to find what is it all about. If you knew me better, as in viewing Friendster pages, you’d know that I’d go straight for the pictures first prior to read any information given by its owner.

Upon clicking the instructor’s profile, my heart sank.

“It’s not fair!” I screamed.

Inside the website, I just found out that they’d only utilized Niko, the cute Brazillian model, ups, sorry, instructor to be the teaser of what’s coming next. See below.

Frankly, I don’t really wanna walk with Niko Han on my left and Deddy Wigraha, the other instructor on my rightside, around Blok-M Mall/ Melawai at night. I am pretty sure, the pretty three of us would be the first mugging target. We’re gonna look so cute together! The only difference is that those bad guys would get a harder time in snatching our vintage baguette bags from our hands than a dozen of golden bracelets from tante-tante India next door.

Inside the gallery, I thought I was in another straight-jocks-do-suck website waiting for them to loose their clothing items one by one and wrestle in the glistening vegetable oil on a steamy mattress. Oh, sorry my mind wandered-off to far.

Shall we? At least we could get a group rate on Brazilian wax afterwards.

Synergy Brazilian Jiujitsu
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8-10 PM

Body Life Fitness Center
Pasaraya Grande
Jl. Iskandarsyah II No. 2
Jakarta Selatan


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